The Ultimate Guide to the Texas State Fair, Part 4: From Nimitz Circle to the Red River Showdown
Whee! I’m ready for rides at the fair! And to eat fried food, say “howdy” to Big Tex, and everything from A to Z. Since today is #ThrowbackThursday, I thought I’d share a picture of me enjoying a ride at the state fair when I was a kid (circa 1967).Kristina at the...
The Ultimate Texas State Fair Guide, Part 3: From Jackpot Sauce to the Midway
It’s Wonderful Wednesday—the day that means only two days until the largest State Fair in the United States opens its gates. Are you caught up on A – E and F – I in our five-part series of the Ultimate Guide to the State Fair of Texas? Hope so:...
The Ultimate Texas State Fair Guide Part 2: Fried Food to Innovation
Ah, just a few more days until Opening Day at the State Fair of Texas! This is the second in a five-part series leading up to the Big Tex, I mean, the Big Day, and we’re already ready already. Hope you enjoy this second article in our five-part series about the Texas...